Keep fit, stay safe – Luca G. Bottoni by Art Personal Trainer

Ciclotte embraces #stayathome and for this reason has decided to create a new column dedicated to tips to keep health and fit at home with celebrities and some the most famous personal trainer in the world.

First appointment: Luca G. Bottoni

For the first appointment of the “Keep fit, stay safe” column, we would like to share the suggestions of our partner Luca G. Bottoni by Art Personal Trainer, one of the most renowned trainers all over Ticino.

“We have the time, we mostly have sunny days thanks to Spring season and, hopefully, you may also have an exercise-bike at home: now, let’s take advantage of this situation. Prevention is my first advice: maintain an healthy lifestyle is the base to keep your body efficient and stay fit.”

Luca Bottoni

Make your body efficient:

  1. A daily cardio-training on an exercise-bike for at least 20 minutes, with a flat training program and constant “bpm”. It is preferable to do that it in the morning, before breakfast, in the Lipolytic threshold “65/70% Fc.max”, to support weight-loss or maintain your ideal weight. Avoid prolonged or exhausting training sessions, because they could potentially lead to a lower efficacy of your immune system during the phase of recovery, making you more easily attackable by viruses and bacteria.
  2. For the “center of the body”, at least a standard exercise for abdominals and one with a wider synergy, like Plank.
  3. For the legs, while seated, stimulate the quadriceps and all the muscles that contribute to the correct execution of a Squat vehicle.

Make your immune barriers effective:

  1. Integrate VitC, by eating fruit and vegetables or using supplements, and VitD, by sun exposure or using supplements.
  2. Integrate the intestinal flora with probiotics or fermented foods such as Parmigiano Reggiano.
  3. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
  4. Make your sleep efficient by trying to always keep the same hours and promoting a positive and proactive attitude.

Now it’s your turn, have fun!

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